
A bibliographic list of AVI's publications is provided on this page. Much of the work completed at AVI represents real-world application of advanced science from academic studies. After all, it is in application that value derives for people and businesses. 

There is a mouse-over abstract for each article that will appear if the author link is scrolled over.  To avoid these popups, do not place the mouse over the author links.  If any of these articles or presentations are of interest, contact AVI for a copy.

  * Beckett, G.D., 2004.The LNAPL Parameters Database; Content, Parameter Ranges & Implications. Presented at the 2004 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Beckett, G.D., Stanley, C.C., Walsh, D.F. 2005. Safe Groundwater Use in the Presence of a Proximate MTBE Plume: Use of Flux and Transport Based Estimates to Ensure Groundwater Production Capacity. NGWA Groundwater Summit, 2005, San Antonio, TX.

* Beckett, G.D., Parcher, M.A., 2005, editors & key authors of the API Interactive LNAPL Guide (V. 2.04), a digital compendium of LNAPL resources, calculation tools, and educational materials. Copyright American Petroleum Institute, 2005.

* Charbeneau, R. Beckett, G.D., 2006, User's Guide for the LNAPL Distribution and Recovery Model (LDRM), American Petroleum Institute, 2007.

* Beckett, G.D., 2007, The Vapor Pathway; It's a Gas. A Panel Presentation & Discussion on Vapor Pathway Issues Pertaining to Property Redevelopment. RTM Conference on Contaminated Property Transactions, Promoting Sustainable Deals and Redevelopments. San Francisco, November 2007.

* Beckett, G.D., 2008. Improving the California UST Cleanup Process; Where Are We Now & Where Do We Go from Here to Better Targeting the "Source" Zone. AEHS Annual Convention, San Diego, California, March 2008.

* Beckett, G.D., 2008. The ASTM LNAPL Guide: What it Is, Why It's Needed, What it Can Do? AEHS Annual Convention, San Diego, California, March 2008.

* Beckett, G.D., 2008. Session Chair & Speaker: Remediation Retrospective: What Can We Learn from Failed Remediation Efforts? AEHS Annual Convention, San Diego, California, March 2008.

* Beckett, G.D., & Bell, D., 2009. Contrasts in LNAPL Risk Factors for Different Petroleum Products. Remediation Technologies Symposium 2010, Banff, Alberta Canada.


* Beckett, G.D., Huntley, D., 1994. Characterization of Flow Parameters Controlling Soil Vapor Extraction: Ground Water, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 239-247.

* Beckett, G.D., Huntley, D., 1994. The Effect of Soil Characteristics on Free-Phase Hydrocarbon Recovery Rates: Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water; November 2-5, 1994, Houston, Texas, NGWA, API.

* Beckett, G.D., Huntley, D., Panday, S., 1995. Air Sparging: A Case Study in Characterization, Field Testing, and Modeling Design. Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection and Restoration, Houston, Nov. 1995.

* Beckett, G.D., Benson, D.A, 1996. Diffusion Limited Soil Vapor Extraction: Geologic and Bed Thickness Controls. AAPG Annual Convention, San Diego, California, May 1996.

* Beckett, G.D., Huntley, D., Wiedlin, M.P., 1996. Hydrocarbon Fate and Transport Predictions: When Are One-dimensional Solute Transport Calculations Valid? AAPG Annual Convention, San Diego, California, May 1996.

* Beckett, G.D., Huntley, D., 1997. Hydrocarbon Fate and Transport Predictions: When Are One-dimensional Solute Transport Calculations Valid? (Updated). AEHS West Coast Annual Convention, Oxnard, California, March 1997.

* Huntley, D., Beckett, G.D., 1997. The Life and Times of LNAPL Pools. An investigation into the lifespan and time-dependent magnitude of dissolved-phase impacts from free-phase hydrocarbon pools. AEHS Annual Convention, Oxnard, California, March 1997.

* Beckett, G.D., Lundegard, P.D., 1997. Practically Impractical - The Limits of LNAPL Recovery and Relationship to Risk. Conference Proceedings of the 1997 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water. Houston Texas, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Huntley, D., Beckett, G.D., 1997. Persistence of LNAPL Sources and Relation to Risk. Conference Proceedings of the 1997 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water. Houston Texas, sponsored by the NGWA and API.

* Beckett, G.D., Huntley, D., 1998. Soil Properties and Design Factors Influencing Free-phase Hydrocarbon Cleanup. January 1998, Environmental Science and Technology.

* Huntley, D., Beckett, G.D., 1999. Relationship Between Risk Reduction and LNAPL Recovery. Conference Proceedings of the 1999 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Houston, Texas, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Peargin, T.R., Wickland, D.C., Beckett, G.D., 1999. Evaluation of Short Term Multiphase Extraction Effectiveness for Removal of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids from Groundwater Monitoring Wells. Conference Proceedings of the 1999 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Houston, Texas, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Lundegard, P.D., Beckett, G.D., 2000. Practicability of LNAPL Recovery - Implications for Site Management. Battelle 2nd International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds; May 2000.

* Beckett, G.D., 2000. Soil Vapor Extraction under Capped and Uncapped Surface Conditions. Geotechnical Fabrics Review; vol. 18, #4.

* Beckett, G.D., 2000. Remediation is Enhanced Oil Recovery: Know Your Source. AAPG & SPE Convention, Long Beach, California, June 2000.

* Huntley, D., Beckett, G.D., 2002. Persistence of LNAPL Sources: Relationship Between Risk Reduction and LNAPL Recovery. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, #59, pp 3 - 26.

* Huntley, D., Beckett, G.D., 2002. Evaluating Hydrocarbon Removal from Source Zones and Its Effect on Dissolved-Phase Plume Longevity and Magnitude. API Publication 4715.

* Beckett, G.D., Joy, S.P., 2003. Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Parameters Database, Version 2.0, Users Guide. API Publication 4731, December 2003.

* Beckett, G.D., 2003. Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Parameters Database, Professional Poster, 2003 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Costa Mesa, California, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Parcher, M., Beckett, G.D., & Thota, P., 2004. The API Interactive LNAPL Guide. This is a digital publication of instructional material and quantitative tools related to LNAPL interactions and remediation in the subsurface. Introduced at the 2004 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Lyverse, M.A., Beckett, G.D., 2004. Field Study of LNAPL and Dissolved-Phase Plume Genesis. Presented at the 2004 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Beckett, G.D., Lyverse, M.A., 2004. NAPL Immobilization; When & Why It Stops, & Other High-Level Observations. Presented at the 2004 Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the National Ground Water Association & American Petroleum Institute.

* Beckett, G.D., 2004. Got NAPL? Editorial. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation. 2004, Volume 24; Number 4, Pages 4-6.