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Given estimates or measurements of fundamental parameters, it is a relatively simple task to automate estimation of risk for given conditions.   It is not a simple matter, however, to understand the impact of uncertainty within the estimation, but that is the essential point when estimating real world risk.

Risk evaluations can take many levels, simple to more advanced.    Ultimately though, there is really only one risk context per receptor condition with some uncertainty attached.  AVI has automated many screening calculations that can quickly evaluate the probable risk standing of a site, and more importantly, identify the key factors associated with that risk.  AVI routinely incorporates risk mitigating factors at sites to "dial" in to the real world.   Similarly, once the most sensitive risk factors are identified, real site measurements can be prescribed to substantiate risk estimates.  In fact, because the underlying physics and chemistry apply to virtually all sites, it is possible to identify the critical data without first doing any calculations. 

And let's face it, with all the assumptions and unknowns in the calculations, it's more accurate and defensible to just collect the direct data affecting receptors and determine the risk accordingly. Contaminant transport calculations can then be used in the "back-end" to ensure that time and spatial considerations are properly stipulated so that the data are put into a realistic physical context. This data-based risk methodology defends against litigation or other related liabilities far better than are extensive calculations and modeling. Data-based risk assessment is also less expensive than many fate and transport based evaluations. Perhaps most important, data-based risk assessment provides the most realistic risk appraisal available allowing economic decisions to be made with much better accuracy.

Key Benefits

  • Elimination of non-beneficial remediation
  • Identification of key risk drivers
  • More direct, defensible, and less costly than common risk assessments
  • Communication tool between interested parties and regulatory agencies
  • Protection against frivolous litigation